"So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. All who rage against you will surely be ashamed and disgraced; those who oppose you will be as nothing and perish." (Isaiah 41:10-11)
About Me
- Name: Marc
- Location: Orange, Connecticut, United States
Vote Republican. Life is better in a RED state. / Occupation: Real Estate Broker (Connecticut) / Air War College (04 Jun 1997) Maxwell AFB, AL / Master of Business Administration (1995) at UNH / Master of Public Administration (1995) at UNH / Air Command and Staff College (20 Sep 1988) / Squadron Officer School (17 Mar 1986) / Lieutenant - USNR (retired) / USS America (CV-66) / Bachelor of Arts (1976) in Spanish at SCSU / Emergency Medical Technican (EMT) / Commercial Driver's License (CDL Class AM) / Private Pilot: Airplane Single and Multi-engine Land and Sea (ASMLS) / Thesis (University of New Haven) entitled "U.S. Aerospace Policy in the New Global Economy: The Need for a Definitive National Space Strategy" / NAUI SCUBA diver / Lieutenant Colonel - Civil Air Patrol /
Friday, August 31, 2007
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Miss. Edna - The Talking Horse
Say hello to the very talented Miss. Edna. She is a talking horse like her brother, Mr. Ed.
She doesn't know very much about presidential politics. However, although she's just a horse, she appears to be much better informed than the famous Lily Allen. This equine is mighty fine.
Lily, if you want to know more about presidential politics, then chat with Miss. Edna. She will put you on the right track, or should I say the right race track. But her time is not inexpensive. You'll have to pony up some money to employ her as a private tutor.
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Thursday, August 23, 2007
Football Hooliganism: English Disease

Football Hooliganism: English Disease
Do you belong to a 'risk' or 'excitement' culture? Do you obey stringent Rules of Disorder? Are you in your late teens or 20s? Do you have a manual or lower clerical occupation? Alternatively, are you unemployed or working in the 'grey' economy? Do you come mainly from a working class background? Congratulate yourself. Expert sociologists have asserted that you could begin a new, promising, fast-track career as a violent FOOTBALL HOOLIGAN.
This new and challenging vocation entitles you to participate in many unusual sporting activities. As a fully-qualified hooligan, you will verbally abuse rival fans; threaten rival fans with attack; conduct horseplay aimed at having a laugh; fight (run) rival groups who are also looking for trouble; throw missiles toward innocent spectators; participate in racist and indecent chanting; and make appearances on Saturday Night Live with Mike Myers.
You have the talent and motivation required to become a Football Hooligan! Contact the Hooligan Football League immediately. Why pursue a dull career track? You could be a HOOLIGAN! Don't miss the opportunity to pursue a unique and rewarding career as a feisty Football Hooligan. Call now. The Hooligan Football League wants YOU! Follow the hyperlink below for more information.
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Friday, August 17, 2007
Nancy Patricia D'Alesandro Pelosi

Friday 17 Aug 2007 @ 1425Q
Congresswoman Nancy Patricia D'Alesandro Pelosi:
You have performed incompetently as Speaker of the House. Your incompetence is due largely to your erroneous religion. I am not referring to Catholicism because you are not a real Catholic. Rather, you are a missionary for the Church of Liberalism. Perhaps you didn't realize that Liberalism is a religion. Actually, it is a FALSE RELIGION.
In the tradition of the Apostle Peter, you have rejected Catholicism on many important social issues (e.g., abortion). Remember this warning. "Whoever acknowledges me before men, I will also acknowledge him before my Father in heaven. But whoever disowns me before men, I will disown him before my Father in heaven." [Matthew 10:32-33]
Interestingly, Liberalism tries to replicate the sacraments of Catholicism. I would like to convey to you my sense of profound SARCASM toward the secular-progressive
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DNC sacraments are "outward, visible signs that convey an inward, spiritual grace" that are conferred exclusively to Liberal Democrats or Enemy Combatants, not by God, but by the Judicial Activists on the Supreme Court. The seven sacred sacraments of the DNC include:
1. Gestational "Baptism" performed by a pagan high priestess from Planned Parenthood during any procedure involving abortion, infanticide, or embryonic stem-cell research;
2. Entitlement "Eucharist" (AKA Communion) requiring the consumption of environmentally friendly Kool-Aid and global-warming wafers in order to commemorate the establishment of income redistribution;
3. Televised "Confirmation" during an "Anita-on-the-Hill" Senate hearing politicized by slanderous and/or libelous charges concerning issues of race and/or gender;
4. Matriarchal "Ordination" by the National Organization for Women (NOW) of practicing homosexuals, lesbians, transsexuals, cross-dressers, and members of any other unusual category deemed eligible as a "victim" group by virtue of being disadvantaged in a patriarchal society;
5. "Reconciliation of a Penitent" Liberal Democrat or Islamic Fascist (AKA Confession), as expressed and conveyed by Spin-Doctors of the Liberal Media, for unethical misconduct such as perjury following impeachment or having published or uttered an extremely scurrilous, anti-Semitic diatribe;
6. Judicial "Anointing of the Sick" or elderly prior to court-ordered euthanasia; and
7. Civil "Matrimony" between two or more members of either the same sex or different species regardless of age.
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Conservative Republicans know that
Liberal Democrats cannot fool all of the people all of the time. I am not a "Useful Idiot" who can be persuaded by your hypocritical, childish nonsense. I listen to Rush Limbaugh and I vote! Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (AKA Lenin) said that religion is the opiate of the masses. That assessment would apply aptly to the
Yours sincerely,
Conservative Republican
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Labels: Congress, Democrat, Democrats, Nancy, Pelosi, Speaker
Thursday, August 16, 2007
The Manchurian Candidate of 2008

The Manchurian Candidate of 2008
Mrs. Clinton versus Mrs. Iselin
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The Manchurian Candidate (1962)
Mrs. John Iselin
Roger Ebert wrote an interesting critique (07 Dec 2003) for the 1962 version of "The Manchurian Candidate" starring Angela Lansbury as Mrs. Iselin.
Lansbury's Mrs. Iselin, nominated for an Academy Award, is one of the great villains of movie history. Fierce, focused, contemptuous of the husband she treats like a puppet, she has, we gather, plotted with the Russians and Chinese to use the Red Scare of "Iselinism" to get him into office, where she will run things from behind the scenes.
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The Manchurian Candidate (2008)
Mrs. Bill Clinton
The correlation between Mrs. Bill Clinton and Mrs. John Iselin is SCARY. The previous movie quote could be rephrased to describe the Academy Award winning performance of Mrs. Bill Clinton in the Political Theater of Liberalism. I submit the following revised quote for your review.
Revised Quotation:
Mrs. Bill Clinton is one of the great villains of political history. Fierce, focused, contemptuous of the husband she treats like a puppet, she has, we gather, plotted with the Liberal Democrats and the Government of Dubai to use the Red-State Scare of "Clintonism" (AKA Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy) to get herself into office, where she will run things (i.e., impose a new Stalinism) from behind the scenes.
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Visit the following webpage to read the entire movie review by Roger Ebert.
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Monday, August 06, 2007
We are at war with Iran.

Now is the time for the violent, decisive, sustained, and comprehensive application of COMBAT POWER against Iran! We must ensure by any means necessary that Iran does not acquire nuclear weapons. A military FIRST-STRIKE nuclear weapons policy against Iran would be entirely appropriate. Iran represents a clear and present danger. We are at war.
The quotations below support my public policy position. In a press release dated 06 Jul 2007, Senator Joe Lieberman (I-CT) made some very important comments about Iran's proxy war against U.S. interests.
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"The Iranian government, by its actions, has all but declared war on us and our allies in the Middle East."
"Iran's actions in Iraq fit a larger pattern of expansionist, extremist behavior across the Middle East today. In addition to sponsoring insurgents in Iraq, Tehran is training, funding and equipping radical Islamist groups in Lebanon, Palestine and Afghanistan -- where the Taliban now appear to be receiving Iranian help in their war against the government of President Hamid Karzai and its NATO defenders."
"The fanatical regime in Tehran has concluded that it can use proxies to strike at us and our friends in Iraq, Afghanistan, Lebanon and Palestine without fear of retaliation. It is time to restore that fear, and to inject greater doubt into the decision-making of Iranian leaders about the risks they are now running."
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To read the entire press release, go to the following web page.
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Labels: World War III
Senator Joe Lieberman on Iran
July 6, 2007
Contact: Marshall Wittmann, 202-224-4041
Iran's Proxy War
Wall Street Journal Op-Ed
Earlier this week, the U.S. military made public new and disturbing information about the proxy war that Iran is waging against American soldiers and our allies in Iraq.
According to Brig. Gen. Kevin Bergner, the U.S. military spokesman in Baghdad, the Iranian government has been using the Lebanese terrorist group Hezbollah to train and organize Iraqi extremists, who are responsible in turn for the murder of American service members.
Gen. Bergner also revealed that the Quds Force -- a special unit of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps whose mission is to finance, arm and equip foreign Islamist terrorist movements -- has taken groups of up to 60 Iraqi insurgents at a time and brought them to three camps near Tehran, where they have received instruction in the use of mortars, rockets, improvised explosive devices and other deadly tools of guerrilla warfare that they use against our troops. Iran has also funded its Iraqi proxies generously, to the tune of $3 million a month.
Based on the interrogation of captured extremist leaders -- including a 24-year veteran of Hezbollah, apparently dispatched to Iraq by his patrons in Tehran -- Gen. Bergner also reported on Monday that the U.S. military has concluded that "the senior leadership" in Iran is aware of these terrorist activities. He said it is "hard to imagine" Ayatollah Ali Khamenei -- Iran's supreme leader -- does not know of them.
These latest revelations should be a painful wakeup call to the American people, and to the U.S. Congress. They also expand on a steady stream of public statements over the past six months by David Petraeus, the commanding general of our coalition in Iraq, as well as other senior American military and civilian officials about Iran's hostile and violent role in Iraq. In February, for instance, the U.S. military stated that forensic evidence has implicated Iran in the death of at least 170 U.S. soldiers.
Iran's actions in Iraq fit a larger pattern of expansionist, extremist behavior across the Middle East today. In addition to sponsoring insurgents in Iraq, Tehran is training, funding and equipping radical Islamist groups in Lebanon, Palestine and Afghanistan -- where the Taliban now appear to be receiving Iranian help in their war against the government of President Hamid Karzai and its NATO defenders.
While some will no doubt claim that Iran is only attacking U.S. soldiers in Iraq because they are deployed there -- and that the solution, therefore, is to withdraw them -- Iran's parallel proxy attacks against moderate Palestinians, Afghans and Lebanese directly rebut such claims.
Iran is acting aggressively and consistently to undermine moderate regimes in the Middle East, establish itself as the dominant regional power and reshape the region in its own ideological image. The involvement of Hezbollah in Iraq, just revealed by Gen. Bergner, illustrates precisely how interconnected are the different threats and challenges we face in the region. The fanatical government of Iran is the common denominator that links them together.
No responsible leader in Washington desires conflict with Iran. But every leader has a responsibility to acknowledge the evidence that the U.S. military has now put before us: The Iranian government, by its actions, has all but declared war on us and our allies in the Middle East.
America now has a solemn responsibility to utilize the instruments of our national power to convince Tehran to change its behavior, including the immediate cessation of its training and equipping extremists who are killing our troops.
Most of this work must be done by our diplomats, military and intelligence operatives in the field. But Iran's increasingly brazen behavior also presents a test of our political leadership here at home. When Congress reconvenes next week, all of us who are privileged to serve there should set aside whatever partisan or ideological differences divide us to send a clear, strong and unified message to Tehran that it must stop everything it is doing to bring about the death of American service members in Iraq.
It is of course everyone's hope that diplomacy alone can achieve this goal. Iran's activities inside Iraq were the central issue raised by the U.S. ambassador to Iraq in his historic meeting with Iranian representatives in Baghdad this May. However, as Gen. Bergner said on Monday, "There does not seem to be any follow-through on the commitments that Iran has made to work with Iraq in addressing the destabilizing security issues here." The fact is, any diplomacy with Iran is more likely to be effective if it is backed by a credible threat of force -- credible in the dual sense that we mean it, and the Iranians believe it.
Our objective here is deterrence. The fanatical regime in Tehran has concluded that it can use proxies to strike at us and our friends in Iraq, Afghanistan, Lebanon and Palestine without fear of retaliation. It is time to restore that fear, and to inject greater doubt into the decision-making of Iranian leaders about the risks they are now running.
I hope the new revelations about Iran's behavior will also temper the enthusiasm of some of those in Congress who are advocating the immediate withdrawal of U.S. forces from Iraq. Iran's purpose in sponsoring attacks on American soldiers, after all, is clear: It hopes to push the U.S. out of Iraq and Afghanistan, so that its proxies can then dominate these states. Tehran knows that an American retreat under fire would send an unmistakable message throughout the region that Iran is on the rise and America is on the run. That would be a disaster for the region and the U.S.
The threat posed by Iran to our soldiers' lives, our security as a nation and our allies in the Middle East is a truth that cannot be wished or waved away. It must be confronted head-on. The regime in Iran is betting that our political disunity in Washington will constrain us in responding to its attacks. For the sake of our nation's security, we must unite and prove them wrong.
Mr. Lieberman is an Independent Democratic senator from Connecticut.
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