Mahmoud Ahmadinejad at Columbia University
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Monday 24 Sep 2007 @ 1400Q
There is a genuine "loony tune" speaking today at Columbia University. His name is Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. He is the mass murderer that President Lee C. Bollinger invited to speak on campus. Uber-Elitist Lee C. Bollinger is another IDIOT LIBERAL who has the IQ of a tomato.
LIBERALISM is our National Cancer.
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Sunday 23 Sep 2007 @ 1640Q
SUBJECT: Speaking Engagement for the Iranian President at Columbia University on Monday 24 Sep 2004 (Mahmoud Ahmadinejad = Adolf Hitler)
TO: President Lee C. Bollinger, Columbia University ( / 2960 BROADWAY / NEW YORK NY 10027-6902 / Office Telephone - (212) 854-9970
Dear President Lee C. Bollinger,
It is despicable and outrageous to permit the President of the Islamic Republic of Iran to appear as a speaker on the campus of Columbia University on Monday 24 Sep 2007. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is equivalent to Adolf Hitler. He is a terrorist, a mass-murderer, and an enemy combatant. He is not entitled to exercise any right of free speech in the United States. Furthermore, he represents Iran which has been at war continuously with the United States since 1979. Why should U.S. citizens provide him with a propaganda platform that will be used to enhance his prestige in Iran? Why should U.S. citizens accommodate an Islamic Fascist? Why should we be "reasonable" with a degenerate monster?
On 20 Sep 2001, leader of the conservative Likud party and former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (b. 21 Oct 1949) posed the following timely question to the Government Reform Committee (U.S. House of Representatives). "They used two 150 ton fully fueled jetliners to wipe out the Twin Towers. But does anyone doubt that given the chance, they will throw atom bombs at America and its allies? And perhaps long before that, chemical and biological weapons?" Benjamin Netanyahu said that he would support a pre-emptive strike against Iran's nuclear program. Israeli leaders have long identified Iran as their nation's biggest threat. Israel has accused Tehran of supporting Palestinian militant groups. Israel rejects Iran's claim that its nuclear program is for peaceful purposes. Iran's president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, has said numerous times that Israel must be "wiped off the map."
The past is prologue because we fail to learn the lessons of history. On the Glenn Beck Show, Benjamin Netanyahu said that it is 1938 and Iran is NAZI Germany. When asked about the great lesson of the holocaust, Benjamin Netanyahu responded with the quote of a holocaust survivor living in California who said that when someone says that he wants to kill you, BELIEVE him. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad will use nuclear weapons to exterminate the citizens of Israel. Then he will use nuclear weapons against the West.
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If we don't act decisively against Iran, then Iran will act decisively against us. Now is the time for the violent, decisive, sustained, and comprehensive application of COMBAT POWER against Iran! We must ensure by any means necessary that Iran does not acquire nuclear weapons. A military FIRST-STRIKE nuclear weapons policy against Iran would be entirely appropriate. Iran represents a clear and present danger. We are at war.
The quotations below support my public policy position. In a press release dated 06 Jul 2007, Senator Joe Lieberman (I-CT) made some very important comments about Iran's proxy war against U.S. interests.
"The Iranian government, by its actions, has all but declared war on us and our allies in the Middle East."
"Iran's actions in Iraq fit a larger pattern of expansionist, extremist behavior across the Middle East today. In addition to sponsoring insurgents in Iraq, Tehran is training, funding and equipping radical Islamist groups in Lebanon, Palestine and Afghanistan -- where the Taliban now appear to be receiving Iranian help in their war against the government of President Hamid Karzai and its NATO defenders."
"The fanatical regime in Tehran has concluded that it can use proxies to strike at us and our friends in Iraq, Afghanistan, Lebanon and Palestine without fear of retaliation. It is time to restore that fear, and to inject greater doubt into the decision-making of Iranian leaders about the risks they are now running."
To read the entire press release, go to the following web page.
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During the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962, John F. Kennedy warned the USSR that ANY missile launched from Cuba against ANY country in the Western Hemisphere would be considered as an attack by the Soviet Union against the United States, requiring a FULL-RETALIATORY RESPONSE upon the Soviet Union.
If Iran attacks Israel with nuclear weapons, then we will annihilate Iran without hesitation. Do not underestimate our resolve to punish Iran preemptively for such provocative aggression. We will annihilate Iran and anybody else who conspires with them. The Iranians (i.e., Persians) are extremely prideful. Their arrogance in a nuclear world will cause their complete annihilation.
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Labels: Ahmadinejad, Bollinger, Columbia, Mahmoud
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