DNC Ambassador of Appeasement: James Earl Carter, Jr. (AKA Jimmy Peanut), misguided idiot and one of Israel’s harshest critics. As a notorious author, "...he is a liar and the father of lies" (John 8:44). In his detestable diatribe, "Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid," Jimmy Carter blames "powerful political, economic and religious forces” inside the United States of America for "submissive" pro-Israel policies. He disregards the self-evident fact that America’s continuing bipartisan support of Israel is not a result of pressure from “powerful political, economic and religious forces.” It is based on U.S. interests. Israel is a democracy whose citizens share common values with the American people.
Jimmy would like to apologize to all of the tinhorn tyrants of the world. It's a wonderful day in the neighborhood. Won't you be my neighbor? (If not, then the United Nations will protect us.) Hold hands and repeat after me twelve times: "OH WA, TAH GU, SI AM."

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