Quisling Democrats
You are getting very sleepy. Your eyes are getting very heavy. In the 2008 election you will vote a straight Republican ticket. When I clap my hands you will wake up. You will not remember our conversation today. CLAP CLAP CLAP.

The 2008 politically-correct presidential nominee, Curly Howard, is shown receiving advice from two ranking members of the DNC regarding the best way to appease the socialist kook-fringe.
The proposed 2008 DNC platform: "The abandonment of all beliefs, principles, values, and policies."
The Proposed 2008 DNC Motto: "Let's put some lipstick on this pig!"
The Biblical assessment: "...he is a liar and the father of lies." (John 8:44)
Patron Saint of the DNC: Joseph P. Kennedy, Sr., a self-serving, double-dealing, bootlegging Democrat of Defeatism. While assigned as the U.S. ambassador to England, he was fired by FDR in Nov 1940 for having made defeatist statements considered to be extremely disloyal to the national interest. (I guess that Ted Kennedy had a good teacher.) Harvey Klemmer served as one of Kennedy's embassy aides. When Klemmer returned from a trip to Germany and reported the pattern of vandalism and assault on Jews by Nazis, Kennedy responded: "well, they brought it on themselves."

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